Political connections and bluff lead to coronadeals: An inexperienced entrepreneur gets multi-million dollar orders

| by Mark Jongeneel

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) created a VIP list of "politically sensitive leads" during the corona crisis. Remarkably, the name of the son of the partner of former PvdA minister Guusje ter Horst appeared on this list. Through PvdA connections and bluff, he managed to secure millions of orders from VWS within days. This scandal casts a shadow on the integrity of the political system, in which the party cartel favors itself and its supporters.

The news from the Volkskrant that the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport created a VIP list of "politically sensitive leads" during the corona crisis has caused much outrage. One of the names that appeared on this list was that of the son of former PvdA minister Guusje ter Horst's partner. It turns out that political connections and bluff were enough for this inexperienced entrepreneur to win millions of orders from VWS within days.

It is shocking to see how a phone call from PvdA political consultant Guusje ter Horst ensured that her own stepson, like Sywert van Lienden, received a multi-million dollar order for mouth caps and respirators. This incident raises serious questions about the integrity of the political system. It is deeply troubling that political connections and bluster are apparently enough to land on a "VIP list" and win lucrative deals.

In most countries, this would be labeled corruption. It is unacceptable that the party cartel favors itself and those close to it, while excluding other entrepreneurs with relevant expertise and experience. This calls into question the transparency and fairness of the procurement process during a national emergency.

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This revelation also casts a shadow over those responsible for safeguarding society's interests. It is the government's job to handle public funds honestly and transparently, especially during a crisis. The fact that political connections and bluff were decisive in obtaining multi-million dollar orders raises serious questions about the integrity and soundness of the decision-making process. The business is starting to stink harder and harder.

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