No Hanukkah celebration in Amsterdam-South this year due to security risks

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

No Hanukkah celebration in Amsterdam-South this year due to security risks

In an unfortunate development in Amsterdam, the city has decided not to publicly celebrate the Jewish holiday Hanukkah this year at Gelderlandplein in Amsterdam-Zuid writes the Telegraaf. The decision, taken after consultation with police and the local Jewish community, was prompted by concerns about the safety of shoppers and store owners, fueled by recent tensions surrounding Israel and Gaza.

The move is a sad illustration of how anti-Semitic threats cast a shadow over the city known for being multicultural and inclusive. Not placing the chanukiah, a nine-arm candelabra traditionally lit during Hanukkah, is a knee-jerk reaction to intimidation and hatred.

This decision is all the more remarkable given that much of Amsterdam's Jewish community lives in the Buitenveldert neighborhood, where Gelderlandplein is located. In previous years, placing the chanukiah was an important symbol of Jewish presence and culture in the city, and a sign of the diversity and acceptance for which Amsterdam is known.

Amsterdam's capitulation to anti-Semitic threats stands in stark contrast to the city's history as a haven for Jews and other persecuted groups. This raises questions about the city's commitment to its historical values of freedom and inclusiveness.

Hanukkah, known as the festival of lights, is a time of joy and celebration for the Jewish community. The feast, which this year runs from Dec. 7 to 15, is traditionally celebrated with the lighting of an extra light on the chanukiah each night. The decision not to place this important symbol of the feast is a somber sign that shows how far the city has strayed from its principles of tolerance and openness.

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This event should be a wake-up call for Amsterdam and for the Netherlands as a whole. It is time to stand strong against anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred, and to ensure that all citizens, regardless of background or faith, feel safe and accepted in our society.

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Racism Israel

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