Leon de Winter warns QR corona pass is prelude to tyrannical future

Leon de Winter warns QR corona pass is prelude to tyrannical future

Leon de Winter's column in The Telegraph is rightly attracting a lot of attention. In his argument, he warns of a frightening future in which control and tyranny will become the norm. The European Commission and the World Health Organization's proposed "Covid-19 digital certificate" is presented as a means of addressing global health hazards, including pandemics. But what are the real implications of such measures?

Winter rightly asks how the state will further expand its control over our daily lives. If we are expected to abide by strict rules, such as staying within our "15-minute neighborhoods" and restricting our purchases, how will these restrictions be enforced? He suggests that facial recognition cameras and advanced surveillance technologies will monitor us closely, while any opposition can be registered immediately.

It is disturbing to consider that our daily lives are increasingly coming under a magnifying glass. The idea that our purchases can be canceled if we have exceeded our monthly carbon budget conjures up the image of a totalitarian society in which individual freedoms are increasingly curtailed. This is not a dystopian fantasy, but a terrifying reality that awaits us.

The QR corona pass is just the beginning of a series of measures that threaten our personal freedom and privacy. What began as a temporary emergency measure to combat the pandemic may quickly evolve into a permanent system of control and suppression. It is important that we remain critical and aware of the potential dangers posed by these developments.

Winter rightly warns of the possible introduction of a "Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) by the European Central Bank, whereby our financial lives will be completely under government control. If these developments continue unhindered, our freedoms and privacy will be further curtailed, with no more control over our own lives.

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It is time to take the consequences of these measures seriously and resist the erosion of our fundamental rights and freedoms. We must stand up for our privacy, individual freedom of choice and the preservation of a free society in which we are not constantly under surveillance.

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