It's actually unbelievable, but leftist lunatics are now publicly saying they are going to take action to stop a possible Wilders I cabinet. One Asha Promes-Eeckhout is very clear on X: she and her apparently ANTIFA friends are taking "action." What kind of actions, you ask?" Kind of v/d Graaf actions.
Volkert van der Graaf is, of course, the murderer of Pim Fortuyn. This radical-left, GroenLinks lunatic killed Fortuyn twenty years ago in an incredibly brutal way, because he was heading for an election victory after which he wanted to lead the Netherlands in a conservative way. After a radio show, Van der Graaf walked up to Fortuyn and shot him dead.
Apparently, there are all kinds of ANTIFA types who do not think that is a terrible crime, but rather see it as an inspiration. Take one Asha Promes-Eeckhout. Former PVV'er Harm Beertema sees this total lunatic literally advocating lethal violence against Geert Wilders.
When asked if she thus condones "deadly violence," this ANTIFA terrorist's response is, "Wait but we will not accept these gains and take action.... kind of 'v/d Graaf' actions."
Journalist Joost Niemoller tags then tags the AIVD on X. Because the AIVD is supposedly always very observant right? They are very fearful of "political extremism" and "political violence," right?
The really sad thing is that these half-wits have absolutely nothing to worry about from the authorities. You only have to say something conservative and you are immediately put on the AIVD watchlist. But if you really are an extremist who wants to use violence, but then from the left? Then they leave you wonderfully alone.