Groningen Deputy Candidate distances herself from likes and tweets after 'in-depth conversation'

Groningen Deputy Candidate distances herself from likes and tweets after 'in-depth conversation'

In a recent "in-depth conversation" with members of the Provincial Assembly, Henk Emmens, the BBB's Groningen delegate candidate, explicitly distanced himself from "conspiracy theory-like" tweets he had liked. Both as a candidate-deputy as a person, he expressed regret over his actions and acknowledged that such behavior is not appropriate for a deputy. Emmens now hopes that this chapter can be closed so that he can focus fully focus on building trust.

Last the politician became discredited when it was revealed that he had posts with criticism of corona vaccinations, mouth caps and the climate crisis, among other things, had been liked on social media. At the request of virtually the entire opposition, there was a prior to the installation of the new College of Deputies a unique "in-depth conversation" was organized with Emmens.

Emmens, who will be responsible for agriculture and nature, had also liked a tweet asking whether nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal had already been arrested. In addition, he gave a like to a tweet about "corona tribunals. According to Emmens, the number of tweets amounts to 45 in a year and a half. He confirmed that intensive talks took place with his party and coalition partners. Nevertheless, it was his own decision to apologize.

Emmens already distanced himself from his likes last week and apologized for unintentionally hurting people. He stressed that his intention was to bring issues under the spotlight, but that this does not mean he agrees with all views. It is notable that when people suddenly have a chance to run for political office, they quickly forget their previous views and ideals as soon as they come to light. Then they immediately seem to publicly express regret and apologize as a form of penance.

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BBB Groningen

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