- Frits Bosch - Private schools booming. Self-interest first!

Frits Bosch

Frits Bosch

- Frits Bosch - Private schools booming. Self-interest first!

Good citizenship presupposes striking a balance between self-interest and common good. What the self-interest is will be citizen will be clear about generally. But what serving the common interest entails will be less clear. For the late President John F. Kennedy that was clear, namely, serving the national interest, and he made that clear to his American fellow citizens in his famous quote. For Dutch citizens this seems no less relevant. After all, they pay tax money and they may expect and trust that this is spent in a spent in a proper manner in the context of the national interest.

The country's interest is an extension of their own. My assumption is that the existing unease among citizens is that they believe that their tax money is being misallocated, namely not enough to the national interest. Politicians will no doubt say that it is in the public interest that, for example, money should go to the EU and that sovereignty should be transferred to the EU. The uneasiness may show that the majority of citizens do not agree with that. Ditto for immigration policy. If it is clear that a widely unease has taken root, then it is up to the government to investigate what that discontent consists of and whether it can be met. be met. If not, it would be desirable to call elections to bridge the existing gap between citizens and politics. If that does not happens, the dissatisfaction will continue to grow and can take on harmful proportions.

A striking example of following self-interest is that private schools are booming. In 2015, there were 39 and by 2020 67 and even more now. Parents are gratefully paying 12,000 to 21,000 euros a year for their children get the right amount of attention, without being diluted by foreign children who are at a gigantic disadvantage. Could also the crime and knives also be a cause? Seems to me so.The best teachers go to the private schools, logical.

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Shameful that parents who can't afford it should be so disadvantaged. We are getting more and more segregated education, white and dark/sand colored. Our mayor of Amsterdam Femke Halsema pulled her children from a mixed school, paraphrasing, "I don't want my children to be be part of an experiment." It stopped being an experiment a long time ago. The has only gotten mega much worse since then. Many thanks to Mark Rutte. He has really done absolutely NOTHING right except grin. What is he an affliction to our country. Society is segregating and tribalizing. Ministers Wiersma just slams doors, worthless guest.

Moral of this story: even if the national interest is so fast, its own interest overtakes it!

Frits Bosch, economist and sociologist. Also author of "Risk as Obsession", "That's the Risk", "World at a Turning Point" "Unfeelings among the Elite", "Does the Netherlands also abolish itself" and "Feminism in the Workplace".

- Frits Bosch - Private schools booming. Self-interest first!
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