Fleur Agema leads PVV to success: possible abolition of own risk

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Fleur Agema leads PVV to success: possible abolition of own risk

It's party time in the world of the PVV these days after its gigantic election victory. It doesn't seem like they have their first post-election success almost in. After years of fighting bureaucracy and the establishment, they have won the first battle: the deductible is about to be abolished. And we owe it all to the fantastic work of Fleur Agema.

We are not talking about yet another toy for the leftist elite, where they sit with their ideals on your hard earned pennies. No, we are talking about real change, which the PVV has been advocating since its inception. A change that until now has been blocked by the establishment, which apparently would rather see the health care premium rise than abolish the deductible.

"This is a boost! The PVV wants to cover the abolition of the deductible from general funds and thus not by increasing the health care premium. We hope to be able to negotiate and achieve this," a joy-filled Fleur Agema told DDS.

And so it goes: while the leftist clique keeps congratulating each other for recycling their coffee cups, the PVV is busy delivering real change. No wonder they won such a tremendous victory in the last election. We can't wait to see what else they can get done!

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And to the leftist elite who are now sputtering about the "extravagant costs" of this measure: maybe you should spend a little less time on your moralizing talk and a little more on actually helping the Dutch citizen. Because, let's face it, it's high time that they are once again the focus of attention. With the PVV, the Dutchman really is on 1!

Read more about:
PVV Geert Wilders Health

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