Extinction Rebellion activists plot new actions and go one step further

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It just won't stop: Extinction Rebellion activists are hitting the streets again. After previously announcing a temporary halt to their actions because the House of Representatives passed a motion to investigate how fossil subsidies could be phased out, they are now dissatisfied again. According to climate activists, politicians seem to be backtracking. "It is therefore high time to take action again."

This time they are going a step further and will not stop at a blockade of the A12. Exactly what kind of action it will be remains a secret for now. The organization seems to be looking for and crossing the boundaries again. The question is when this will get so out of hand that serious injuries will occur. Some are even so idiotic as to frolic around with young children on their shoulders among the raging, idiotic demonstrations.

Before the Christmas recess, the outgoing cabinet wanted to deal with how to phase out fossil subsidies, but according to Extinction Rebellion this did not happen. Reason therefore for the activists to take to the streets again. The police have only just recovered from the battles during the New Year's Eve celebrations and already have to be summoned again to take confused people off the highway.

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we are CLOSED with these kinds of games. We want REAL solutions and to SAVE our country. Do you feel the same way? SUPPORT US! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us make a fist against the cartelists who deliberately ignore the will of the Dutch people.

It is extremely sad that nothing but hatred, division and destruction is created from the Dutch left, accompanied by fear-mongering and society-destroying demonstrations. Insofar as you can still call it demonstrations, since children are put in dangerous situations where confrontation with the police is inevitable.

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