Eva Vlaardingerbroek: "How can we say you have ownership with this new sales law?

| by Benjamin Huizen

Opinionist Eva Vlaardingerbroek is horrified. She is open-mouthed now that she has heard that Hugo "Mao" de Jonge wants to force people to sell their homes to someone with a "middle" or "low" income, even if the offer is lower than an offer from someone with a high income. "We are not losing our rights," she writes on Twitter, "we already live in a neo-feudal system."

Vlaardingerbroek is very clear regarding this new screwed-up bill: it is a power grab by a government that no longer recognizes limits to its power.

"Now that the totalitarian Dutch government has learned that they can effectively target our farmers' property rights, they will then come after ordinary citizens," the well-known Dutch opinion maker summed up the situation on Twitter.

"A crazy new Housing Act will allow municipalities to force homeowners to sell their homes ONLY to lower- to middle-income people. In other words, the government is deciding who you can sell your own home to and would force you to accept a lower price than market value because a 'marginalized group' would make an offer.

This situation is, of course, knee-jerk. You have to imagine putting your house up for sale. Someone offers 300,000 euros. But that person has a fairly high income. Then someone with a low income comes along and offers 200,000 euros. Then what happens? You have to sell your house to that person! So you literally miss out on 100,000 euros.

"How can we still say we have property rights when this is our reality?" Vlaardingerbroek rightly asks in response. "We are not 'losing our rights,' we are already living directly in a neo-feudal system. Wake the fuck up, people."

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If De Jonge gets his way, it is done and done with property rights in the Netherlands. An important condition of this right is that if you want to sell your property, you decide for how much and to whom. De Jonge now wants to abolish that and so he wants to get rid of the property right itself.

It is a gross disgrace. Stalinists are really in charge in our country.

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