Crazed Mayor Bruls links New Year's Eve violence of immigrant boys to fireworks: 'With foolish appeal to tradition'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Crazed Mayor Bruls links New Year's Eve violence of immigrant boys to fireworks: 'With foolish appeal to tradition'

It went all wrong again last New Year's Eve in the Netherlands. Various groups of young immigrant men attacked the fire department and the police. In their neighborhoods they misbehaved in unbelievable ways. It is clear to everyone where the problem lies... except Hubert Bruls. Because the mayor of Nijmegen does not blame the culture of the 'youngsters' in question but ... fireworks. What?

Bruls is a CDA'er. Of course, when you read that, you immediately know that the man is a deranged politically correct apologist who will use any negative event in our country to demolish old traditions. Well, that's right. Because instead of going loose on the immigrant misfits who disrupt New Year's Eve every year with brute force, he has set his sights on .... fireworks.

After all, fireworks are dangerous, guys! All those firecrackers and arrows decide all by themselves to attack emergency workers just like that. So weird!

"Foolish tradition."

To The Telegraph, this half-fascist says the problem is that people buy fireworks in Germany. German supermarkets "buy into that." Then those Dutch people take their fireworks to the Netherlands and set them off there.

You would think this would not be a problem, but according to Bruls, it is. Because, he seems to think, once in the Netherlands that firework decides it hates firemen and policemen. So suddenly those are attacked en masse! By the fireworks.

"The total absurdity that people think they can throw fireworks at emergency workers," says that creepy guy. "That they think it's normal to set fire to the neighbor's hedge and scare people with loud bangs. And that with a foolish appeal to tradition."

Immigrant boys

So then you are just cheating. The ordinary Dutch who travel to Germany to buy fireworks set them off at home, in their own street. Nobody is bothered by this - least of all the firemen, ambulance personnel and police.

No, the problem lies in one very specific group. A group that strangely enough is not mentioned at all by Bruls: immigrant (Muslim) youth. In other words: opportunity pearls. They are the ones who ruin New Year's Eve every year. They are the ones who attack cops and firefighters. They are the ones who act like terrorists on that night;

(Article continues below this call) At DDS we are done with half fascist creeps like Hubert Bruls. They want to take everything away from us, but keep sweeping the misbehavior of immigrant Muslim youth under the carpet. Enough! We stand for the truth. It is those street terrorists who do it. Every year again. And they should be dealt with, not the entire Dutch population. Do you think the same way? Support us! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us stand up for our traditions.

The fireworks are not the problem; the people are the problem. The allochthonous youth.

But then again, Bruls of course doesn't dare say that out loud. After all, as a CDA member, he is fanatically pro-mass immigration. He is Woke to the bone and sees "diversity" as the highest political good. That it turns our country into one big ghetto leaves him cold. In fact, he sees it mainly as a great excuse to tear down the traditions that still exist and make the Netherlands truly unrecognizable once and for all.

By the way, the fireworks used by street terrorists to attack police and firefighters have been illegal for a long time. So such a ban doesn't even work. Even if you were to criminalize all fireworks, these "youths" would still smuggle that stuff in - just as ordinary criminals do with guns and other weapons.

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