Celebratory victory for PvdA member Gijs van Dijk: Left-wing geek Tinkebell can no longer indiscriminately accuse him of everything

| by Mark Jongeneel

Former PvdA (Social Democrats) MP Gijs van Dijk has won an important victory in his lawsuit against artist Tinkebell. The judge has ruled that Tinkebell must post a rectification and may no longer make false allegations about Van Dijk regarding sexual assault or other sexually transgressive behavior. This is a tremendous triumph for Van Dijk's integrity and reputation.

The judge also ruled that Tinkebell is no longer allowed to claim that Van Dijk received a substantial amount of 350,000 euros from the PvdA. In addition, she is prohibited from claiming that Van Dijk has or had a romantic relationship with PvdA party chairwoman Attje Kuiken. Moreover, Tinkebell is no longer allowed to claim that Van Dijk agreed with the PvdA that "nothing would be done for victims. This statement provides clarity and restores the truth about Van Dijk.

Following the judge's ruling, Tinkebell seems to be reacting with crocodile tears, claiming to have been gagged. However, it is important to remember that this case is about protecting Van Dijk's reputation from unfounded and damaging accusations. The legal system has spoken and the truth has prevailed.

This victory is not only a personal success for Van Dijk, but it is also an important signal that defamation and libel cannot go unpunished. Not only does it protect the integrity of individuals, but it also helps promote healthy and honest public dialogue.

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Let us celebrate this victory as a triumph of justice and truth-telling. It is a reminder of the importance of fairness, respect and accountability in public discourse. Let us strive together for a society where everyone feels free and safe to express their opinions without baselessly accusing others and damaging reputations.

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