Annemarie van Gaal criticizes Bill de Jonge: Home ownership is a basic right!"

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Annemarie van Gaal criticizes Bill de Jonge: Home ownership is a basic right!"

Annemarie van Gaal has been critical of Hugo de Jonge's performance as housing minister in her column in the Telegraph. She expresses surprise at the title given to De Jonge and argues that home ownership is a basic right that should not be compromised. Van Gaal shares her concerns about De Jonge's bill, under which the municipality determines to whom a property may be sold.

Van Gaal criticizes the term "public housing," associating it with medieval practices where powerful landlords dictated to the people how they should be housed. She emphasizes that this is no longer appropriate for our times. She points out that it is unfair that people who have worked hard and bought housing are not free to sell their homes to the highest bidder. She questions the limits of this policy: should homes be sold only to people with certain incomes, professions, religions or backgrounds? Van Gaal emphasizes that home ownership is a fundamental right that should never be questioned.

Van Gaal is referring to De Jonge's bill that will be voted on Tuesday in the House of Representatives. She expresses concern that the CDA, De Jonge's own party, is strongly in favor of this proposal. She wonders what other political parties are attracted to communism.

Wybren van Haga, BVNL MP, supports Annemarie van Gaal's column and posted a message on Twitter expressing his agreement. He shares her concerns about De Jonge's bill and suggests that the vote in the House of Representatives will reveal which parties he believes are communist wolves in sheep's clothing.

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It is important to safeguard and respect the right to own a home. A policy in which the government determines to whom a home may be sold raises legitimate concerns about individual freedom and the role of government. We are very curious as to whether the VVD has exchanged its liberal feathers for communist feathers. We will know the outcome tomorrow afternoon.

Read more about:
Hugo de Jonge Housing Crisis

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