Uh, oh! Johan Derksen and René van der `Gijp WOEST on hypocritical VVD: "If I knew this I wouldn't have voted for them"

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

On Vandaag Inside last night, it was one big game of tears. Indeed, Johan Derksen, René van der Gijp, ánd Helene Hendriks all cried that it is very bad that Dilan Yesilgöz does not want to sit in a majority coalition with the PVV. "If I had known this I would not have voted for them," Van der Gijp said. Okay... but there is one little problem: Yesilgöz literally said before the election that she was not going to be in a cabinet with 'Prime Minister Wilders'.' Are people like this really that stupid?

Johan Derksen is extremely angry with the VVD. "The VVD has made a teringzootje of it he, in the Netherlands," said the pater familias of Vandaag Inside. "Then I'm talking about Groningen and those Toeslagen, but also immigration. Rutte always has: 'I want time to solve that.' And now, now they come with two Loeki's who have no experience at all and see the shower coming. Because if the VVD joins again now you have a chance [...] that they will sag like CDA and D66. But I think that if you have made such a mess of it in all these years, then you are morally obliged to join in now to want to fix things."

Derksen then called Yesilgöz "a talking puppet of the VVD's manmakers." "Who doesn't want this at all. That one has a blind ambition to steam ahead. And that's fine by me, for someone like that, but she could have been Minister of Justice again, she did that excellently. But she is now dependent on people who 'think strategically.' It solves nothing at all."

Van der Gijp and Hendriks: regret vote

The other tablemates shared that anger. "If I had known this, I wouldn't have voted for them," said René van der Gijp. "Me neither!" agreed Helene Hendriks, "exactly the same."

"I think," Van der Gijp continued imperturbably, "you have a responsibility, you are a representative of the people, we just have things to solve, then you have to step over your shadow and solve problems. You are obliged to do that."

Thereupon he gave the VVD a new nickname: "FC Dilan. And I have nothing to do with that."

"I hate, if you lose a lot of voters, you have to try to win them back. You don't do that by sitting back and watching an accident. Because that's what she thinks is going to happen," Hendriks added. Indeed, that may well be the case. For Yesilgöz's facial expression indeed seems to express a bit of "haha, let's see it Geert!

Wilfred Genee: 'Games' 

Presenter Wilfred Genee agreed. But, he thinks, that's just hugely stupid for the VVD itself. "The voter is one done with all these games. And what does the VVD do? Which immediately starts all those games again instead of thinking, 'we have to step over our shadow.'"


In the run-up to the elections, Yesilgöz very briefly - for the stage - opened the door to the PVV. She did so because she thought this would win her and her party seats. "Look, the VVD is still the only major right-wing mainstream party! Vote for the VVD, Yesilgöz prime minister, and then cooperate with the PVV" - that's how right-wing voters, VVDers hoped, would think.

But they didn't think that way at all. Because more and more right-wing voters actually wanted Wilders as prime minister, not Yesilgöz. And so they increasingly switched in the polls. This caused unrest in the VVD, because a) this way they would not win and b) this way they might be forced to take Wilders I seat.

And so Yesilgöz made it clear that she had no intention of serving as prime minister under a possible Wilders. She said that very loud and clear, at various times, before election day. Van der Gijp, Hendriks, Genee and Derksen could not only have known that; they should have known it. That they then went on to vote for the VVD anyway thinking that Yesilgöz would really accept Wilders as prime minister is oliedom.

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we understand that it is NOW or NEVER. The right MUST form a strong cabinet. If that does not happen, it is simply the end of our country. That's why we are openly reporting on this. Do you support that? Then help us! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us push the Netherlands to the right!

If you want a right-wing cabinet you should vote for right-wing parties. PVV, FVD, SGP, BBB. All those parties have to be big. the VVD is not a right-wing party, it is a center club. If people still don't see that now they can only blame themselves.

Of course, it is still quite possible that such a cabinet will not be formed at all - not even a minority cabinet. And that proves once again that you should not vote "strategically" in elections; you should just vote for the party you support most intrinsically. So not only Genée, Van der Gijp, Hendriks and Derksen have been extremely stupid - unfortunately the same goes for a lot of voters.

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PVV VVD Dilan Yesilgöz Video

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