"I love Dutch women. They are super nice, with blond hair and blue eyes. I hope the Netherlands becomes a Muslim country"

| by Mark Jongeneel

You won't be happy watching this shocking report by Ongehoord Nieuws, in which asylum seekers claim they are coming to the Netherlands with the intention of lusting after our women and converting them to Islam. The statements made by the asylum seekers interviewed in Ter Apel are very worrying and may justifiably cause alarm to many. It does not stop with this story. The asylum seekers also tried to steal a horse for meat. So to slaughter the horse. For meat consumption, let this sink in for a moment. What kind of monsters is our government bringing in?

Such stories are not incidents, but symptoms of a larger problem. The mass immigration forced upon us by our government leaders has resulted in a loss of our national identity and social cohesion. Our traditions, norms and values are being undermined and supplanted by a culture at odds with our own.

It is not enough to dismiss these incidents as a few individuals out of place. We are talking about the systematic erosion of our society caused by failed immigration policies. Our government has failed to protect the interests and safety of our own people. Instead, we face a situation where our women are exposed to sexual harassment and our culture is threatened by an ideology alien to our traditions.

It is time to reclaim our sovereignty and thoroughly review our immigration policy. We must implement strict border controls to limit the influx of undesirable elements. We must also protect national identity and culture by implementing assimilation policies that encourage newcomers to embrace and respect our values.

Help DDS get through these difficult times. Help us make a fist against the mainstream media as well as the party cartel. Fight side-by-side with us. Donate on BackMe and fight side-by-side with DDS against the globalist elites.

Let us not forget that this is not only about individual incidents, but also about the security and future of our country. We must ask ourselves if we are willing to sacrifice our own culture and way of life in the name of political correctness and international conventions.

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