BNNVARA invites employees to cry cry after monster victory PVV

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

BNNVARA invites employees to cry cry after monster victory PVV

Many people seem to be bothered by the monster victory of the PVV, in this too BnnVara has shown a rather remarkable reaction. The broadcaster's management is inviting employees to a meeting for this afternoon "to give each other a heartbeat," in response to this political shift writes de Telegraaf. This action, which became visible through a leaked internal email, speaks volumes about BnnVara's attitude to political diversity and neutrality.

The invitation to this get-out-the-vote session reads, "It is a dark morning. Last night a party was elected by an overwhelming majority that in election time took a supposedly 'moderate tone', but wants to stop climate policy, sees Dutch people with an Islamic background as second-class citizens, wants the Netherlands out of the EU and wants to scrap independent public broadcasting. Many views of the PVV go against everything BnnVara stands for and are a direct threat to our rule of law and society. I personally slept badly because of this and I can imagine that I am not the only one. Therefore, I invite you to come to the bar this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. to talk to each other and give each other heart." writes BnnVara management in an email to BnnVara employees.

This behavior of BnnVara, which openly distances itself from the democratic election results, can be labeled as childish and partisan. It is remarkable that a public broadcaster, which ideally should be committed to objective and balanced reporting, speaks out so emphatically against a political party elected by a significant portion of the population.

This action exposes a deep-rooted bias within BnnVara and calls into question the neutrality of public broadcasting. It is ironic that precisely BnnVara, often seen as a media partner of GroenLinks-PvdA, is now speaking out so explicitly. This casts a shadow on the claim of neutrality within the NPO, especially in light of the criticism of newer broadcasters such as Omroep Ongehoord Nederland.

It is time for BnnVara, and by extension the entire NPO, to rethink its role as a neutral and objective news source. Public broadcasting should be a bastion of impartial reporting, where all voices, regardless of political color, are heard and respected. BnnVara's recent actions are diametrically opposed to this and undermine trust in public broadcasting.

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In a democracy, it is essential that media institutions, especially those funded with public money, adopt a neutral and impartial stance. Recent events at BnnVara show that there is still a long way to go toward this ideal.

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