Voters from immigrant backgrounds do not identify with progressive left-wing issues, according to writer Lale Gül

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In the recent broadcast of WNL on Sunday, writer and columnistLale Gül brought a refreshing take on the election results, where the PVV became the largest party with 38 seats. Gül shared her insights on the voting choices of people with a migrant background, emphasizing that this group is not necessarily leftist-progressive.

Her observation was clear: many people with an Islamic background are more conservative and do not feel represented by leftist parties.The media emphasizes a fear campaign around the remarkable victory of the PVV, but ignores the fact that a significant number of people with an immigrant background do not agree with the victimization emphasized by GL/PvdA in particular.

Gül emphasizes that her experience is that people from an Islamic background are often culturally conservative and value the preservation of their cultural identity. Although Wilders speaks out strongly against Islam, many Muslims identify more with his narrative than with the progressive narrative of Frans Timmermans, for example. "They sit right leg up in the culture of the country of origin," says Gül, pointing to the fact that leftist progressive ideals on issues such as feminism, LGBTQ+ rights and climate do not resonate with this group.

It seems that the left is completely mistaken about what is happening outside their own progressive bubble. The left's reaction to the election results has been a state of total shock, with loathing toward Wilders in particular becoming increasingly pronounced. It is a wake-up call for the left to recognize that diversity of thought exists within minorities and that ignoring this reality only increases polarization in society.

Instead of lingering in disapproval, it would make sense for left-wing parties to engage with this group of voters,take their concerns seriously and strive for more inclusive policies that embrace a wide range of perspectives. Only by listening and showing understanding can bridges be built between diverse populations and polarization be reduced.

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