-Arash Mashadi-The Netherlands first!

-Arash Mashadi-The Netherlands first!

For a long time you were looked at angrily and called a racistwhen you said that the Dutch people should come first. In the meantime, we have gone so far as to create unethical situations. Situations in which we neglect the chronically ill in the Netherlands and all the help and attention goes to status holders instead of our own people. Such is the situation of Han Boorsma (55).


Let's start immediately with a nuance. When talking about the "own people" in this article, we mean all Dutch citizens, including those with an immigration background.


HanBoorsma was forced to leave his home after his divorce and has been sleeping in his van without benefits ever since. Han, who has been homeless since January 14, 2023, also became ill after his forced eviction.As if the situation was not bad enough, a leg amputation also occurred during the time he was homeless. Since April 2023, Han has been completely left to his fate and is fighting to survive. Han's situation was also featured in the NPO program Ongehoord Nieuws by broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland.

Hard worker

Hanis always been a hard worker. He had his own landscaping business but quit because of his physical complaints. Despite his dire situation, Han still makes a valuable contribution to society. He rides his electric scooter through the streets of Deurne and cleans up all the litter.

Status holders first

Currently, a trend seems to have emerged in the Netherlands to neglect its own people and give status holders priority on all social services. This is the harsh reality and a disappointment for Dutch citizens who have contributed to the social system of the Netherlands for years. Now that they have to rely on it themselves, they have to deal with officials who sit back comfortably with a work week of only three and a half days. TheAmbtenants Han speaks to say they are doing their best but to no avail. It is downright embarrassing that a man who has worked and done taxes for more than thirty years now has to watch as status holders are given priority on desocial services to which Han contributed. This is a fat middle finger given to him by the Dutch state.


Time is running out. It is now the middle of winter and it is freezing outside! Han is completely left to his own devices. It is therefore up to you and me to help him! I therefore hope that everyone reading this is willing to make a small contribution. The goal is to raise as much money as possible for Han and to find him a rental home in Deurne. With the money raised, his rent can be paid for at least one or two years in advance. In this way Han is at least assured of a roof over his head.

Donating can be done through:


Ing. Arash Mashadi (1985) holds a degree in Construction Engineering with a specialization in real estate economics. He is an active investor and rents residential and office spaces in the cheaper segment.

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