- Watch tip!- Physician Erwin Annys sheds light on the consequences of corona policy: a critical reflection

| by Mark Jongeneel

In a remarkable conversation with Erwin Annys, physician and author of the book 'Factcheck: No - Not Every Doctor Shares Television Expert's Opinion,' delves deeper into the impact of corona policy during the pandemic. Annys takes a critical look at what has happened in recent years and draws hard conclusions. His words are an indictment of medics, pharmacists, politicians and television experts.

According to Annys, healthy people have been hijacked during the corona crisis. He describes the hospital situation as a war situation and is highly critical of the policies pursued. He argues that these policies no longer have anything to do with medicine. For Annys, it is clear that there has been orchestrated deception, where the policy has done more damage than it purportedly prevented.

This interview sheds interesting light on the events during the corona pandemic and invites reflection. It is important to hear different perspectives and opinions, especially from experts in the field of health. After all, it is through the exchange of ideas and critical thinking that we can achieve better understanding and more effective policies.

FVD MP Pepijn van Houwelingen's recommendation to listen to the interview and let the truth slowly but surely come out is a call for critical thinking and the search for truth. It is essential that we continue to inform ourselves and not be led by a single source of information.

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It is important to take Annys' findings seriously and conduct further research on the implications of corona policy. By listening to different experts and thinking critically, we can form a balanced opinion and strive for a policy that is based on the best insights and puts the welfare of society first.

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