[Video] Thierry Baudet gives fiery speech to empty hall: 'It's not about peace'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Yesterday, June 13, was a curious day in patriotic politics. Indeed, all parties treated a request for more "support" from the Netherlands for Ukraine (400 million euros) as a hammer piece. Thierry Baudet (Forum for Democracy, FVD) refused to let that go over his head and forced a real debate to be held. Only he, a PVV member and Minister Wopke Hoekstra were its own attendees. The rest of Dutch politics apparently does not think it is at all important to discuss this with each other.

Nevertheless, Baudet used this opportunity to give an important and profound speech about the unconditional support of the Netherlands and the rest of the EU for what he sees as the American project in Ukraine. The main problem here is that the EU is subservient to NATO. What NATO needs the EU to do. And NATO invariably wants to do what America wants.

According to the EU treaty, EU foreign policy should not go against NATO's vision and interests. This effectively means, Baudet said, that NATO is thus superior to the EU. The EU is already not very democratic, but NATO is obviously even less so. In fact, NATO is little less than a weapon of the American industrial complex.

Anyway, so then it's about Ukraine. That country, Baudet said, has been waging a proxy war against Russia for several years now: a proxy war for America. So he sees Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year as a continuation by Russia of that war that Ukraine and NATO/America itself started years ago.

Baudet referred to a book by the American thinker Brzezinski. He wrote a book back in the 1990s in which he argued that it was of the utmost importance to detach Ukraine from Russia because it would significantly weaken Moscow. It would even kill that country. And that means, of course: more power for America.

A key goal, Baudet said, is to ensure that Russia can no longer house its Black Sea fleet near Crimea. Mind you, that fleet has been parked there since 1783. But the West set a goal of doing something about it several years ago, even before Russia launched its "special military operation" in Ukraine.

The worst part, Baudet said, is that Ukraine cannot win this war at all. "Ukraine's great offensive has begun. In a few days, Ukraine has lost 3 of the 21 tanks supplied by Germany. This while Russia still has 13,000 tanks ready," the FVD'er explained.

Then why this war? So why this battle must continue? Baudet says he knows the answer.

A hegemon in decline

The United States is increasingly concerned about its own role in the world. It is stagnating. It is a superpower in decline. But they are "trying to save that fall for as long as possible. For example, by eliminating a rival."

"That rival is not Russia. Indeed, America's war in Ukraine against Russia is also a war against Europe. And not just against Russia as a European country, but against Western Europe. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline is a sign of that," Baudet continued.

"But more than that: the sactions imposed by the EU that ultimately stem from the U.S. State Department. Those affect ón us. They do not affect Russia: Russia is doing better than ever. The ruble is higher, the price of oil, the price of gas, all fine, no problem at all."

"The sanctions affect us. The flood of refugees is affecting us. The rising energy prices affect us. We are paying the price," Baudet replied. "It's becoming unaffordable here for businesses. Where are they going? Some of those go to America where they can find cheaper energy or American companies take over our market which is collapsing."

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"It could very well be argued that an extraordinarily cynical agenda is being carried out from Washington in which a likely irreparable decline of the U.S. as a hegemon is being stretched as long as possible by now destroying Europe via this absurd, senseless and insane war against Russia," Baudet concluded.

In doing so, it struck him "tremendously," he also stated, that the Lower House "on a weekday evening," on a subject concerning hundreds of millions of euros in "support," was empty except for a representative of the PVV. "As a hammer piece it is decided to sink further into that swamp called the war in Ukraine. While it is not in the Dutch interest, while Ukrainians are dying by the bushes."

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