Survey reveals disappointing state of algorithm registry: lack of government transparency

Survey reveals disappointing state of algorithm registry: lack of government transparency

Research shows that the algorithm registry, introduced to make the government more transparent, remains largely empty six months after its launch remains. Moreover, the information available in the registry is not very accessible to the public.

The purpose of the registry is to require government agencies, such as municipalities and ministries, to require public disclosure of how they use of (semi-)automated decision-making. This step is particularly relevant because of the benefits affair, in which the use of an algorithm for risk analysis of allowance applications resulted in discrimination based on dual nationality. At the launch of the registry in December 2022, there were only 109 algorithms listed on the website. This information was provided by institutions that had previously made the data available online. Six months later, this number has risen to 123, but filling out the registry remains voluntary for now.

The coalition agreement agreed that algorithms should be legally should be checked for discrimination and arbitrariness. State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen, who is responsible for this issue, emphasized: "Transparency regarding algorithms and their application is an important condition for ensuring these controls. The algorithm registry can play an important role in improving the accessibility and understanding of algorithms and their outcomes."

To determine whether an algorithm discriminates, it is necessary to know on what criteria citizens are selected. Such sensitive data are not released for fear of misuse by fraudsters. The algorithm registry currently does not meet expectations of transparency and accessibility. To ensure effective control of algorithms and protection against discrimination, it is crucial that government agencies be required to complete the registry and make the required information to be made available to the public.

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