Summer in surveillance state: WEF chooses China as host

Benjamin Huizen

Benjamin Huizen

Summer in surveillance state: WEF chooses China as host

Ah, what a glorious day for the world! China, that brave guardian of freedom and champion of democracy, has opened its doors to host the World Economic Forum's "Summer Davos," the first in-person event since the pandemic1. Yes, you heard correctly, the WEF, that illustrious organization that unparalleledly puts the interests of big business and international politicians above those of the common man, has decided to hold its summer meeting in the world's largest Big Brother society. Ironic, isn't it?

Tianjin, a city in China with a population of 14 million, has welcomed "elite" guests with open arms. Large billboards along the highway welcome them, and locals are happy to have "foreigners" in their neighborhood. Food stalls are even open, selling local delicacies such as dumplings, noodles and bao buns. Cozy, right? Nothing says "globalization" like munching on a dumpling while talking about how you will determine the future of the world.

It is particularly entertaining to watch Chinese Premier Li Qiang open the conference by talking about global challenges and warning of future public health crises. Because if there is one country we want to hear talk about public health, it is, of course, China. And let's especially not forget that Saudi Arabia, another bastion of human rights and democracy, also sent a top delegation. Nothing speaks more of "responsible global citizens" than a meeting in China with the cream of the global power elite.

So yes, the WEF has proved once again that it is more interested in organizing meetings in countries where human rights are subordinate to state interests. And you know the best part? They are proud of it. After all, why bother with something like "ethics" or "responsibility" when you can instead focus on "entrepreneurship as a driving force of the global economy"? Really, it is almost admirable how the WEF continues to demonstrate time and again that it is completely disconnected from the realities of the common man.

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Anyway, enough sarcasm for one day. We look forward to the next WEF meeting. Maybe next time they could consider holding it in North Korea. That would certainly provide some variety.

Read more about:
China WEF Klaus Schwab

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