From Jan. 8, opinion maker and journalist Sietske Bergsma will report live from Berlin on the growing political tensions and peasant protests in Germany. Bergsma, known for her sharp pen and unfiltered view of political reality, will get to the bottom of the growing influence of the right-wing conservative AfD and the CDU's desperate call to Angela Merkel. While the mainstream media lose themselves in trivia and distractions, Bergsma tackles the heart of the matter: the root causes of political mistrust and the disturbing trends affecting all of Europe.
In the heart of the EU's most important country, Germany, Bergsma's sharp analysis and uncensored reporting will shed light on the dark side of European politics. With live reports, videos and articles on her platform The Fire Online, and, of course, via social media, Bergsma promises to give us an unfiltered look at the true nature of the political struggles going on. Expect revelations about the farmers who "die Schnauze voll haben" from the current traffic light coalition and the deep frustration brewing in German society.
Germany's influence on the Netherlands and the rest of Europe cannot be underestimated. Bergsma's reporting is crucial for anyone concerned about the direction our continent is headed. With her experience and knowledge of German politics, Bergsma's reporting will be indispensable to anyone concerned about the future of our freedom and sovereignty. While the mainstream media bury their heads in the sand, it is Bergsma who shows the courage to swim against the current. We should be glad to have such journalists who are our eyes and ears in Germany.
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