Shocking! Comedian Ricky Gervais so threatened by Woke geeks that he is given extra security

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Shocking! Comedian Ricky Gervais so threatened by Woke geeks that he is given extra security

Oh, how we live in enlightened times. The times of tolerance, diversity, inclusiveness. The times when every individual voice, every unique perspective is valuable.... unless your name is Ricky Gervais and you make a few jokes.

That's right. Gervais, the famous comedian and actor known for his sharp wit and who has given us unforgettable characters such as David Brent from The Office, has apparently made the 'woke' bee people angry. And how did he do that? By making jokes. Yep, jokes. The essence of comedy. It's almost as if comedians are supposed to make jokes. But apparently these days you have to check the box on every possible form of political correctness before you can be a comedian.

The "tolerant" and "diverse" LGBT movement, which so often preaches about love and acceptance, doesn't seem to like it much when humor knocks on their door. They have decided that Gervais, with his sharp and sometimes provocative humor, goes too far. So far, in fact, that he now has to hire extra security. Isn't that the most ironic expression of "tolerance" you've ever seen?

Yes, the man who made us giggle at the Golden Globes with his sardonic comments, the man who was always ready to defy the powerful and pretentious, is now forced to hide behind security guards. This is exactly the diversity and inclusiveness we're all talking about, right?

As for freedom of speech, that old-fashioned notion that states that we all have the right to express our thoughts and ideas as long as we don't physically harm anyone well, it seems that no longer applies either.

No, the new rule is that you can say anything, as long as you don't offend anyone. Or rather, as long as you don't offend any particular group. And if you do, they, in their glorious, 'tolerant' rage, will threaten your life. Because that, of course, is the perfect way to prove how 'woke' and enlightened they are.

And so Gervais now lives in the shadow of this "tolerance. He must constantly look over his shoulder, fearful of what the "enlightened" anger might bring.

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It is indeed a strange world we live in. A world where humor and satire are punished rather than celebrated, where the 'tolerants' are the biggest threat. But don't be afraid, because this is just the new 'woke' reality. And remember: you can make jokes, as long as no one laughs.


Good news: Ricky Gervais says on Twitter that he hasn't hired extra security and that he has not received any serious death threats. That's terrific. What's less great, however, is the fact that we're all so aware of Woke Terror that these kinds of reports would surprise no one.

Read more about:
Woke Hollywood Woke Terrorism

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