Party! Klaus Schwab (WEF führer): 'With tech, we don't need to have elections anymore'

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The one and only Dr. Evil, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, is once again going viral on X (formerly Twitter). Indeed, the bald bad guy pur sang knows proudly to tell in a video that technological developments will soon allow us to abolish elections. "After all, we can start predicting the voting behavior of individuals."

They don't get much scarier than Klaus Schwab in this world. This man is the head of the WEF and has made it his great goal to bring Big Business and politicians together (and academics, scientists, etc.) so that they can then determine what happens around the world. Nothing no grassroots movements are needed anymore. No, our elites know better and are going to shape all of our lives.

But now a video has surfaced in which Schwab goes very far even for his standards - AND is extraordinarily honest. Indeed, the Dr. Evil Lookalike proudly states at a WEF event that we can soon do away with elections. Because they cost money, create more polarization, and take up a lot of time;

How that can be abolished? Well, watch and listen:

"The next step could be to move to a prescriptive mode," Schwab said. "This means you don't even need to have elections anymore because you can already predict and then you can say, 'Why do we need elections when we already know what the results will be!'"

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we understand that Klaus Schwab and his WEF are downright dangerous to ordinary people. We will always expose this organization and man. But that's why we need your support. Because the cartel punishes opponents of the WEF harshly. So donate to DDS! Support us via BackMe and help us take on the WEF.

These people really hate democracy and freedom. They really want to get rid of it. In every possible way. We just have to trust that this "technology" will be right... and then they can do whatever they want. Total control. Even elections will be taken out... because the elites have decided that elections are useless (and no doubt sometimes provide unpleasant results for the elites themselves).

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