Hopeful political shift in Germany: AfD wins regional government mandate for first time

| by Mark Jongeneel

For the first time, a politician from the patriotic Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party has won a regional election in the region of Sonneberg, located in the state of Thuringia writesthe NIS. AfD candidate Robert Sesselmann defeated the Christian Democratic CDU candidate, who was supported by all other major parties. This victory caused a stir in Germany and stirred other political parties.

Although this election took place at a lower level of government and was limited to a relatively small area, the result has significant symbolic significance. Almost all other political parties consider the AfD a danger to democracy and refuse cooperation with the party.

Various reactions to this victory reflect the concerns associated with it. A state minister in Thuringia considers the result an "alarm signal for all democratic forces." The president of the German Jewish Council expresses his shock that so many people voted for a candidate of a party labeled by the internal security service as right-wing extremist.

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The state prime minister of Thuringia, himself from a left-wing party, emphasizes that Sesselmann's victory is a sign of discontent. However, he points out that it is positive that there was a higher turnout in this regional election, almost 60 percent compared to 49 percent in the first round of voting.

Higher turnout shows that many Germans are fed up with the status quo and the policies of the German political elite. We may be on the eve of a political landslide in Germany. This is good news for Germany and the rest of Europe. We must do away with the globalist agenda of the elite.

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