-Frits Bosch- In Germany, a tug of war from the right seems imminent according to the polls

Frits Bosch

Frits Bosch

-Frits Bosch- In Germany, a tug of war from the right seems imminent according to the polls

"Green is turning brown" lament graffiti in German capitals. Is there a push to the right coming in Germany? In the Netherlands, we seem unaware of what is going on in Germany. Paraphrasing America specialist Maarten van Rossem: "look a little less at the U.S. and a little more at Germany, that country is much more important to us!"

Suspending the closure of coal plants because of cutting off imports of Russian energy and keeping the three nuclear plants open is said to mean that "green is shifting to the right." "Green is turning brown," read: fascistic. Nonsense. But yes: SPD and FDP are turning away from the Greens as being too bossy. The German public has lost its enthusiasm for Green, see also the mega-loss in Berlin.

Interestingly, AfD is on a strong rise, now 19% in the Forsa polls, a research group, just like the SPD. AfD stands for anti-immigration, fed up with greens sticking to the autobahn, anti EU, anti only selling electric cars by 2035 and anti woke. There won't be a pull to the right in Germany yet, AfD is still too small for that. A striking trend it is, though.

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It is also striking that, according to French polls, a similar trend is occurring in France: Macron down, Marine le Pen up. And here BBB up, the left down. The right seems to be winning in Europe.

Frits Bosch is economist and sociologist. He is also the author of "Risk as Obsession", "That's the Risk", "World at a Turning Point", "Unfear among the elite", "Does the Netherlands also abolish itself" and "Feminism in the Workplace".

-Frits Bosch- In Germany, a tug of war from the right seems imminent according to the polls
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Polls Germany

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