Forum for Democracy tackles Rutte AND Ukraine in one harsh tweet

| by Michael van der Galien

Forum for Democracy (FvD) has lashed out hard at Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Ukraine in a recent and high-profile tweet. The statement, which sparked a wave of reactions, sharply focuses on the financial relations between the Netherlands and Ukraine and their impact on Dutch interests.

"Rutte is sending billions to Ukraine. Ukraine is using the money (among other things) to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines, we now know. Civil infrastructure that is 9% owned by Gasunie, a Dutch state-owned company. Dutch taxpayers have unwittingly financed an attack on themselves thanks to Rutte," also FvD's critical tweet.

FvD, which is known for its sharp and sometimes controversial views, points out that the financial aid provided by Prime Minister Rutte to Ukraine has indirectly contributed to sabotaging infrastructure that is partly Dutch-owned. This includes, in particular, the recent attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines.

Nord Stream, a series of gas pipelines connecting Russia to Europe, is a crucial part of Europe's energy infrastructure. Some of these pipelines are owned by Dutch Gasunie.

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Ukraine, which is indisputably behind these attacks, has, according to FvD, been able to commit these acts of sabotage thanks in part to financial support from the Netherlands. This not only affects European gas supplies, but also directly undermines Dutch economic interests. And worst of all, this was paid for with Dutch tax money.

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