Class! Poland shows democratic leadership with planned referendum on asylum policy

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While the Netherlands struggles to involve the population in major decisions, Poland has understood the importance of citizen participation. This is evidenced by the announced referendum on planned reforms to European asylum policy, a move that demonstrates a strong democratic vision.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced that Poland will hold a referendum on Oct. 15, in parallel with parliamentary elections, to gauge popular opinion on proposed changes in asylum policy.The central question put to the country's residents is whether side support admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, as imposed by European. This referendum shows that Poland believes in the power of direct citizen participation on important issues.

The remarkable thing about this referendum is that the outcome will have no direct influence on the European Union's reform plans.Nevertheless, Poland is taking an important step towards a more inclusive democracy, in which citizens are actively involved in shaping policy. The clear signal sent by the Polish government is that the voice of the people is of great importance and will be taken seriously, even if the final decision-making takes place elsewhere.

Reforms in European asylum policy are not without controversy. In June, EU migration ministers agreed to a compromise whereby accepting refugees would no longer be voluntary, but mandatory. This has caused division within the European Union, with Poles and Hungary being outspoken opponents.

The fact that this referendum coincides with parliamentary elections shows Poland's commitment to an inclusive democratic culture. During the same day, referendums will also be held on other important issues, such as the privatization of state-owned enterprises and raising the retirement age.

While some countries struggle with balancing representative democracy and direct citizen participation, Poland shows that both approaches can go hand in hand. The upcoming asylum policy referendum is not only a sign of political leadership, but also a recognition that the people play a vital role in shaping the future of the country and the continent. Other European countries may be able to learn from the Polish example and strive for a more inclusive and engaged democracy.

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