Bergsma's look at corporations and 'woke' ideology: a troubling game of ESG scores

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Bergsma's look at corporations and 'woke' ideology: a troubling game of ESG scores

It is not every day that you come across a tweet that so hauntingly sheds light on current political and economic realities, like the one recently by Sietske Bergsma, Dutch lawyer and conservative commentator.

In the tweet, Bergsma explains in great detail how companies like Budweiser have become entangled in a web of "woke" ideology, and how they end up risking their own reputations and profit margins by constantly promoting transgender and LGBTQ+ propaganda. A move they carry out, according to Bergsma, to comply with pressure from the "woke mafia" that monitors them through the system of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores and the Corporate Equality Index (CEI).

Bergsma argues that companies do not necessarily want to participate in this cultural shift, but in fact have no choice. This is because CEI and ESG scores are key to lending by financial institutions and thus crucial to their operations. "Low ESG score? No credit! This is just extortion. A ponzi-sceme," Bergsma writes.

Budweiser, as an example, was penalized with a lower CEI score when they did not show additional support for a particular trans figure, according to Bergsma. This puts companies in a precarious position: "Better insolvent than busted," Bergsma states, suggesting that the company choose to defy the short-term pressures of the "woke mafia" and their scores, even if it means alienating their customer base.

But the price for this is high. Bergsma warns that companies not only lose their customers, but also risk radicalization within their own ranks by activist staff. She points to "green and woke" investment giants BlackRock and Vanguard, which own about 40% of these companies, as potential drivers of this agenda.

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Bergsma's comments are a wake-up call for the broader public to understand how deeply intertwined this "woke" ideology is with our economic systems. In Bergsma's words, "ESG agencies must therefore be dismantled." This suggests that it is time to rethink the influence of these agencies and their scoring systems, as well as the political ideologies they support.

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WEF Blackrock

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