Belgian geography teacher fired for over teaching climate-related topics

Belgian geography teacher fired for over teaching climate-related topics

In Wallonia, a geography teacher in secondary education lost his job because his lessons placed too much emphasis on climate change. 35-year-old Max Stockmans shared his story with the French-language newspaper "La Libre. He stresses that as a teacher he made a conscious choice to make climate and environmental issues central to his teaching, but that this ultimately led to his dismissal.

Two years ago Stockmans started teaching geography. "During my lesson preparations, I took the time to delve into ecological issues," he said. "I was teaching modern geography, a subject closely linked to reality and through which I wanted to be close to young people and their concerns." Unfortunately for Max, this approach was not positively received by the inspectorate. After a recent evaluation, he was told that he was not sufficiently following the curriculum. "The inspector said I was spending too much time on ecological issues and that I am not a geographer," Stockmans said. As a result, he lost his job.

However, the teacher completely disagree with his dismissal, however. "I want to contribute to education that is matches the current challenges of our society and the expectations of young people," he emphasizes. Max is convinced that schools should prepare their students for the future. According to him, it is crucial that young people have a broad knowledge of how to address of climate change. Unfortunately, this aspect is missing from the current curriculum. "Climate issues are barely addressed or dealt with in an incomplete addressed," the teacher believes.

The Dutch school inspection would do well to take a look take a look at their colleagues in Belgium. There is also concern in our country about the perceived excessive focus on climate and gender issues in education. It is essential to strike a balance between covering important social issues and ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum that does justice to all students.

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