[Video] Frans Timmermans: 'The conversations I have with Van der Plas (BBB) are very businesslike'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

[Video] Frans Timmermans: 'The conversations I have with Van der Plas (BBB) are very businesslike'

Although BBB leader Caroline van der Plas is vilified by both the media and the political left, EU Green Deal creator Frans Timmermans thinks very differently. Indeed, in conversation with NPO Radio 1, Timmermans says that he always has very nice, businesslike conversations with Van der Plas. And not only that, no, he will happily continue.

Listening to GroenLinksers, D66ers and, yes, often PvdAers, one gets the feeling that Caroline van der Plas is a particularly ideological female who is difficult to talk to. She is stubborn, closes herself off from what they see as "real problems," ... in short, she is impossible to negotiate with.

Frans Timmermans thinks very differently. Indeed, he says he has no unpleasant conversations with Van der Plas at all. "The contacts I have with Ms. Van der Plas are very businesslike and very reasonable," Timmermans said.

"We certainly don't agree on everything," he continued as Thijs van den Brink challenged him with disbelief, "her is a business conversation though. I want to continue with that conversation," Timmermans added.

Speaking to NPO Radio 1, Timmermans also said he sees the outcome of the Provincial Council elections as being more complicated than people in Europe think. Yes, nitrogen policy certainly plays a role, but there is much more to it. Among other things, Timmermans points to the crisis of confidence and all kinds of other crises, such as the Allowances affair that caused citizens to completely lose confidence in the party cartel.

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Furthermore, it is striking that Timmermans said that the excuse that politicians in The Hague always give for all kinds of measures - "it has to be from Europe" - is actually "a sham." In other words, that it does not have to come from Europe at all, but that The Hague puts it in the EU's shoes so that they re not held accountable for it.

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