NOS: ''EU Heads quiver - Wilders' victory undercuts Ruttes European ambitions''

| by Mark Jongeneel

Normally, the Netherlands will not be a main topic at the meeting of the 27 EU trade ministers today in Brussels. But thanks to Geert Wilders and the triumph of the PVV, the Netherlands unexpectedly found itself in the spotlight. And it seems NOS EU correspondent Kysia Hekster is right: there is "terror in Brussels."

Who would fill the boots of outgoing Prime Minister Rutte was always the subject of speculation. But Wilders' uncontested win has now charted an epic change in the political landscape. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real question is: Will EU leaders be ready for a "blond beast"?

The Netherlands is known as a major pro-European player - a reputation due mostly to europhile Rutte. But that reputation is now hanging by a thread. Especially now that Rutte has declared his ambitions to move to the international stage. But Wilders' victory could quell those aspirations, Hekster suggests.

Even if Wilders does not come to the helm, the consequences of his election victory will be far-reaching. Holland's pro-European stance could melt like snow in the sun and give way to a more Euroskeptic stance. This could surface especially in discussions about EU enlargement, such as the situation in Ukraine writes Hekster.

But the real danger does not lie in change - the Netherlands has always shown its character in the international arena. No, the real danger lies in the underlying mindset of others: that a government under the PVV would be a step backwards. Do they really think that the citizens of the Netherlands are incapable of making their own judgments? That they do not know what is good for them?

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Winner Wilders is a wake-up call for the EU - and a bitter pill for the ambitious Rutte. Whether EU leaders like it or not, a breath of fresh air is blowing through the political landscape of the Netherlands. And that could be a very good thing for the entire European Union.

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