There is something very worrying going on. Namely, Brussels has given Ukraine the green light for EU accession negotiations. Mind you, this is happening while we were promised that Ukraine would never become a member AND while the country is at war with Russia. If Ukraine does indeed become a member, we have an obligation to come to that country's aid "with all available means." So yes, including with our boys and girls in uniform. FVD is rightly extremely concerned about this.
Can anyone remember the referendum on Ukraine? Back then, Dutch people made it very clear that they did not want that country's association agreement with the EU. Our politicians were instructed: oppose this. Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, we don't want them to ever become a member of the EU - also because if they become a member, we will have to pay blue again for their bills (and corruption).
Well, yesterday the European Commission decided to simply ignore that kind of opposition from the Dutch. Indeed, Ursula von der Leyen has issued an opinion, from the commission, stating that Ukraine may begin negotiations to join the EU. The same goes for Moldova, another less-than-developed Eastern European country which is also feuding with Russia, by the way.
The only good news is that the European Commission does not decide that negotiations will actually begin. Ultimately, that requires approval from ´all 27 European leaders. That vote must be unanimous. Meanwhile, NOS claims that all 27 countries have already agreed. So both Moldova and Ukraine would be as good as certain of consent.
Logically, FVD is completely upset by this. The party let it be known on X (formerly: Twitter) that Ukraine's accession to the EU is indeed "a step closer," but also what this means.
"With Ukraine a full member of the EU, the Netherlands is REQUIRED to come to the country's aid militarily 'by all available means,'" explains FVD. "The consequences of this are incalculable."
Of course, this is hugely problematic.
Accordingly, FVD continues. "FVD wants to do everything possible to prevent a formal state of war with Russia, the largest nuclear power on earth," the party said. "This conflict is not in the Dutch interest. We must therefore stop this kind of provocation in the EU context and push for peace negotiations as soon as possible."
However, it seems they deliberately want to push for a direct confrontation between the EU and Russia. What could go wrong?