Cooperation between FVD and Hungarian Party Mi Hazánk after European Parliament elections

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Cooperation between FVD and Hungarian Party Mi Hazánk after European Parliament elections

During the Forum for Democracy (FVD) drinks lecture last Friday, it was announced that FVD and the Hungarian political party Mi Hazánk (Our Fatherland) intend to join forces after the European elections. Mi Hazánk's political leader László Toroczkai, former mayor of Ásotthalom and architect of the border fence around Hungary, gave an inspiring speech calling for a new European alliance and the preservation of European values.

The drinks lecture, organized by FVD, attracted great interest and provided a platform for international cooperation and the exchange of ideas. It was a historic moment as it was the first time the Hungarian politician was officially invited to the Lower House of the States General in The Hague, Netherlands.

During his speech, Toroczkai spoke about the challenges facing Europe and the need to present a strong front against the destructive forces of globalism and liberalism. He stressed the importance of preserving European traditions and protecting European civilization.

Toroczkai shared his experiences as mayor of Ásotthalom, a city on the Hungarian border that faced a large influx of illegal migration. He spoke about the difficulties he faced and the actions he took to ensure the security of his city and Hungarian society.

''Starting in 2014, much larger groups of migrants arrived in Ásotthalom. In the beginning, I was alone. Completely alone. I informed the media inHungary: there was no response, they refused to talk about the situation. I asked the police for help: they told us that it was impossible to do anything, that we had to accept the situation. I was the first to ask for a border fence to be built, and Viktor Orbán's government publicly rejected my idea.So I set up a small field police force on my own, the so-called field police,which at least tried to prevent migrants from illegally entering local people's homes. Since no one wanted to talk about the problem, I used my Facebook page to show the situation to Hungarians. Since the Hungarian media didn't want to talk about it, I organized myself to invite media from all over the world, who started talking about it.All we had was the very small budget of our small town, an old Lada Niva (a Soviet SUV) for the field guard and my Facebook page. Afteranother year and a half of hard, sometimes desperate work, Hungary and the whole world were aware of the situation, Viktor Orbán's government was forced into action and the border fence was built,'' said László Toroczkai.

Cooperation between FVD and Hungarian Party Mi Hazánk after European Parliament elections
Cooperation between FVD and Hungarian Party Mi Hazánk after European Parliament elections

Mi Hazánk's political leader also discussed the problems surrounding the bailiff mafia in Hungary and his efforts to combat it. He stressed the importance of finding important issues that affect the people and looking for innovative solutions

''For a long time I believed that my party would never find an interesting political partner in Western Europe, with the possible exception of a few totally marginalized groups. And the hope of finding serious Western partner finally came from a country I really did not expect: yours, the Netherlands.Very recently my party was in contact with some Western political leaders who told us that they would rather not talk about Covid because it is electorally risky, and that it is better to attack Islam.You know this type of person, because they are the same ones who in late 2020 tried to depose your president Thierry Baudet and tried to destroy your party,because they wanted to be "respectable conservatives".I don't need to explain to you what courage is. You are, I think, one of demoedigste parliamentary parties in Western Europe. And your leader, Thierry Baudet,is really a very brave man. This fact is a perfect basis for a strong ensuccessful new European alliance. I think I can say that today he is one of the bravest elected political leaders in all of Western Europe,'' László Toroczkai said.

The cooperation between FVD and Mi Hazánk aims to form a strong and successful European alliance that can defend the interests of their respective countries and European civilization as a whole. It is a call for cooperation and solidarity at a time when Europe is facing great challenges.

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With this new alliance, FVD and Mi Hazánk hope to have a positive impact on the political landscape in Europe and make citizens' voices heard in European Parliament debates and decision-making.

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