Wind turbines disturb the delicate balance of marine life in certain areas of the North Sea. This poses a serious threat to the food chain in the North Sea. Dutch scientists warned earlier this week about the possible consequences of this development.
Phytoplankton is the foundation of the marine ecosystem. If something goes wrong with this vital link, it can have dramatic consequences for all marine life. In addition, laying thousands of miles of power lines to bring green energy ashore, bad for the embryos of sharks and rays, but also the noise that associated with the installation of thousands of new wind turbines also raises concerns. However, the rate at which wind farms are being rolled out far exceeds the speed at which we are gathering our knowledge about their ecological impact.
The construction of wind farms also affects the sea currents in the surrounding area. The piles on which the turbines rest cause that the different layers of cold and warm seawater become more mixed than normal. While this can be beneficial for algae in some places, it can elsewhere lead to an increase in silt in the upper layer of water, which in in turn inhibits the growth of plankton.
These developments raise serious questions about the impact of wind turbines on delicate marine ecosystems. It may be clear that green energy is not at all green in many cases. It is essential that this issue be thoroughly investigated before we move forward with large-scale expansion of offshore wind energy. Although the GroenLinks voters are obviously not waiting for a wind turbine in their backyard.
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