Minister Jetten confirms huge cost and minimal impact of climate package: Taxpayer pays billions for temperature drop of 0.000036 degree Celsius!

| by Mark Jongeneel

Minister Rob Jetten (D66) confirmed yesterday in the House of Representatives that the additional climate package, consisting of 122 measures, will cost as much as 28 billion euros. This money will be taken from the "Climate Fund," which is financed by the taxpayer. Remarkably, even if all 122 measures are successfully implemented, the earth's temperature will only drop by 0.000036 degree Celsius. This stunning revelation provokes amazement and again confirms the lack of effectiveness and injustice of climate policy.

The news that Minister Rob Jetten has confirmed in the House of Representatives that the additional climate package, with as many as 122 measures, will cost €28 billion, has caused great surprise. The money for this will be paid for directly or indirectly by taxpayers, so the impact of these measures on their wallets will be clearly felt. However, even if all 122 measures have the desired effect, the earth's temperature will only decrease by 0.000036 degree Celsius. This figure is downright deranged to waste so many billion taxpayer dollars on this and again confirms that the cost and sacrifice of the taxpayer is disproportionate to the results.

Minister Jetten himself admitted that the decimal numbers, with "four zeros and then 36," are particularly minimal. It is therefore understandable that Jetten could barely contain his laughter while confirming this data to PVV MP Alexander Kops. However, it is disturbing that taxpayers are footing the bill for the astronomical cost of the climate package, while the ultimate impact on temperature is almost negligible.

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This revelation casts a shadow over climate policy and raises questions about its fairness. It is hard to justify that taxpayers should bear such enormous financial burdens for a marginal result. It seems that the climate church and climate trading have made a diabolical pact, plunging the entire country into misery for decades to come.

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