The seams: Vinted shares sales info with tax authorities

| by Michael van der Galien

I know what you're thinking: "Finally! I was waiting ages for the IRS to interfere with my innocent second-hand clothing sales." Well, your wish has come true! The most exciting news of the year is here - Vinted is going to pass your data on to the IRS from now on! And let's face it, who hasn't dreamed of the Tax Office taking a look at their online closet?

But before you jump completely out of your skin with joy, there is a catch. Only those who sell 30 or more items, or earn more than 2,000 euros, will have the unique opportunity to show their transactions to the government. I'm sorry for the less fortunate souls who didn't have enough junk in their closets to meet the threshold - better luck next year!

Now some cynics among us may think, "Hey, that sounds like a gross invasion of my privacy!" But rest assured, dear readers. Vinted has assured us that although they will pass on all the information if you cross that sales threshold, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll actually have to pay taxes. What a relief! Looks like you can forget all those sleepless nights worrying about selling your second-hand clothes.

The best part? Vinted explains that if you do this "on a hobby basis or privately, you are not a business owner and do not have to pay VAT or income tax." Great news! All those hours you spent photographing your garments perfectly, packing them neatly and sending them to the post were just part of your hobby. And who would have thought that hobbies could be so profitable?

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So, for all the users of Vinted who are worried about this new regulation, I say, "Don't worry!" This development is simply the next step on our sliding scale to a society where the government is constantly watching everything and everyone. But who doesn't want the IRS watching while they sell their old clothes? After all, it's only a small price to pay for the comfort of knowing that Big Brother is always watching. Happy shopping, everyone!

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