Dutch government reluctant to tackle rising supermarket prices

Carlo van Remortel

Carlo van Remortel

Dutch government reluctant to tackle rising supermarket prices

In recent times, our groceries have become significantly more expensive become more expensive, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by anyone. The prices of food and beverages were nearly 13 percent higher last month than a year ago. Residents of other countries are also experiencing the effects of these rising prices, such as in France and Belgium.

To address this problem, governments in France and Belgium have announced measures. For example, in France reached agreements with the 75 largest manufacturers to limit price increases. limit price increases. If they do not comply with these agreements, the government is threatening to make their names to make their names public. Also in Belgium, the Minister of Economy plans to force manufacturers to moderate their prices.

In contrast, the Netherlands currently has no plans to implement such measures. According to a report on Nu.nl, Minister of Economic Affairs Micky Adriaansens has stated that no separate agreements with food companies to bring about price reductions. achieve. Adriaansens added that the Netherlands has different rules of the game rules to deal with this problem. In the Netherlands, the Authority Consumer & Market (ACM) can intervene if companies gain too much power and thereby raise their prices extremely.

Last week, market researcher GfK reported that it appears the tipping point has been reached. In the past two years, the prices of 55 basic products have increased by 30 percent. In the first months of this year, however, the however, the same shopping cart has already become slightly cheaper a few times. This suggests that the tipping point may have been reached. According to GfK prices now and in some cases they are even decreasing slightly.

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Inflation Big Brother

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