The Disturbing Reality of the Transgender Medical Industry: A Look into Ellen/Elliott Page's Journey

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

The Disturbing Reality of the Transgender Medical Industry: A Look into Ellen/Elliott Page's Journey

It's time to shine a spotlight on a disturbing trend that's permeating our society. A trend that has turned into an industry, and one that seems to prioritize profit over people. I'm talking about the increasingly lucrative transgender medical industry, which, in the name of progressiveness and inclusivity, has ostensibly placed surgery above genuine healthcare.

This phenomenon is encapsulated by a recent revelation made by the Hollywood actor Ellen Page, who now goes by Elliott. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Page disclosed that the realization of being 'transgender' came after a psychotic episode of self-harm, and the start of hearing and talking to a voice inside her head. Yes, you read that right. This isn't science fiction, folks, it's the sad reality of our time.

In what sane world does it make sense to treat psychological distress with invasive physical surgery? It's as if we've lost all sense of reason. We're living in a time where, when a person suffers a psychological disturbance, instead of addressing the root of the issue, we slice and dice, nip and tuck. A voice in the head? No problem! Let's just go under the knife.

Within days of revealing her internal struggle, Page was approved for a mastectomy. But what happened to therapy? What happened to the exploration of the psyche? What happened to the rigorous medical examinations and interventions that should precede such a drastic, irreversible course of action?

In a rush to affirm and validate, the medical industry seems to have forgotten one of its cardinal principles - "First, do no harm." But where is the concern for the long-term repercussions on Page's mental health, not to mention her physical health, following such a hasty decision?

We're not talking about a quick fix cosmetic surgery here; we're talking about a life-altering, identity-changing process. And the industry's response to this is to streamline the process, to hasten the transition, to, dare I say it, commercialize the suffering.

This is not healthcare. This is an industry playing fast and loose with people's lives under the guise of progress.

Elliott Page's situation serves as a poignant reminder of the need for a comprehensive, measured approach in addressing gender dysphoria. Mental health issues need to be adequately addressed and treated, not bypassed for a quicker surgical fix.

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In this supposed era of enlightenment, it seems we are slipping into a disturbingly dark place. The transgender medical industry needs to step back, reassess, and remember that it is dealing with people's lives, not products off an assembly line. Let's restore the care in healthcare and stop letting surgery take the wheel while we toss psychological wellbeing in the backseat.

Read more about:
Transsexuals LGBTQ Health

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