Studies of transgressive behavior often rattle: Virtue industry destroys lives!

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Studies of transgressive behavior often rattle: Virtue industry destroys lives!

More and more people are facing accusations of transgressive behavior or non-integer behavior when they have no idea what exactly they have done wrong. The result: they lose their job, friends and not infrequently even their partner. It is a deep fall that many Dutch people experience after an integrity investigation. Wierd Duk interviewed in the Telegraaf professor Michiel de Vries who concludes that the majority of these investigations are of no avail and that people are deliberately destroyed. It is a worrying trend in which the culture of reckoning has completely shot through.

Take the following example: a man tries to comfort his female colleague after she has lost her partner. He strokes her hand and says, "Calm down." Then this man is accused by his colleagues of transgressive behavior. In such cases, the question arises: is this still my world?

It happens to more and more Dutch people. From one day to the next, they are faced with accusations of cross-border or non-integrated behavior, without knowing exactly what they have done wrong. The problem is that they can only see the investigation reports, which form the basis for ruining their lives, after legal proceedings. And often these reports turn out to be seriously flawed.

Professor Michiel de Vries, affiliated with Radboud University in Nijmegen, has studied numerous integrity investigations and comes to a shocking conclusion. Of the 87 investigation reports he analyzed, only five met the quality requirements. He points to the culture of accountability that prevails in the Netherlands and speaks of a "virtue industry. Integrity agencies deliver outcomes that clients demand of them, disproportionately inflating even minor infractions.

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It is a worrying development where the credibility and reliability of integrity investigations are at stake. People are being damaged by unfounded accusations and lack of thorough investigations. This affects not only the individual, but also society as a whole. It erodes trust in institutions and sows discord. It is a nasty trend that must be reversed quickly. Therefore, do away with cancel culture.

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