Courageous Christian Swedish teacher fired and fined for not addressing 'non-binary' student as 'them'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Courageous Christian Swedish teacher fired and fined for not addressing 'non-binary' student as 'them'

An especially courageous woman, a teacher, has been fired in Sweden. The reason? She had a "non-binary" student who wished to be addressed as "them/them," Selma Gamaleldin logically refused to do so. The result: she can look for a new job AND the school has to pay the non-binary person in question 13,000 euros in "damages."

The story took place at the Solvik school in Järna, south of Stockholm. Selma was teaching a "non-binary" student there from August 2020; meaning a student who has deluded himself that he does not belong to his gender/sex but is actually something else. Or nothing. Or everything. Depending on the situation.

Then, in January 2021, rules were adopted that stated that students must be addressed with the pronouns they want. So if they want "I, Robot," as a teacher you have to respect that. Or if one man demands that you say "them" to him, that too must be done.

Gamaleldin refused. "Them/them" is for more people, not one person. And as a Christian, she felt it went against her faith to pretend that a man could be a woman, vice versa, or something in between, or nothing at all.

In February, therefore, she had to suffer. She eventually lost her job, and after a court case it was decided that the non-binary student in question should also be paid 13,000 euros for a while. Because she had suffered so incredibly because of the teacher's behavior! So badly! So bad!

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It is indicative of the times we live in that it is decided that the "rights" of a student are violated because someone does not go along with their psychosis, but the rights of believing Christians are adamantly ignored.

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Transsexuals LGBTQ

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